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Started by NejinOniwa, September 27, 2011, 04:02:22 PM

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Yeah, I did verify it wasn't real, after literally doing everything in the game; unlocking T.T. and Drumstick, as well as beating both Adventure and Adventure 2 with everything (Including the entirely optional 5th trophy). No bacon ending, but I had a fun time getting there, so it's not like it was a waste of time

One other gaming rumor I remember from back in the day was various secret characters in the Super Smash Bros. games. The one I saw the most was how to unlock Wario in the original SSB, but I also saw supposed methods for Bowser, Master Hand, and even Goku (Yes, the Goku from the Dragon Ball series). Generally, they all required some nearly-impossible feat in-game; like beating Classic Mode in 1 life as Pichu.

I remember my younger cousin was, at one time, obsessed over this super-secret character in SSBM: A lion named "Fat X" (Although he later claimed it's name was "FedEx"; as in the shipping company), that was supposed to be crazy powerful. I knew better by that point, as people had dissected the game code and found no secret characters, although that didn't stop me from having a dream where Mr. Game & Watch transformed into the silhouette of a lion; becoming this mythical "Fat X" character


part of the fun of video games and video game culture is the rumours and the modding. xD

maybe there's an emulator of SSB out there that someone modded to have "Fat X". xD
click to make it bigger


So I finished the main story of Fallout 3 again the other day, and have moved into Broken Steel/doing all the other quests I left undone.  Holy shit I'd forgotten there NPCs got a +35 bonus using the tri-beam laser, fucking hell.


I just completed RDR the other day (with just under 10% lacking for total completion), and I must say, it's one of the most beautiful games I've ever played.  In every sense, it is proof of the interactive artistry that only video games can provide.  It's not perfect, but it's definitely among my top ten (and we're talking since NES days).  The game is surprisingly well-written, and I highly recommend it.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Hearts of Iron 3:



I'm currently playing Super Mario Star Road; a very elaborate hack of Super Mario 64, with all new levels and such. So far, some frustrating bits aside, it's awesome


Total Annihilation is BACK IN STYLE BITCHES.


So... Dark Reign, mission 7. I must be doing something wrong since I seem to be able to protect the city for about 10 minutes while they apparently need 20 minutes more to sign one piece of paper... I probably could survive a bit longer if I used martyrs more efficiently. This is going to take a while... ><


Splitting my time between New Vegas and World of Tanks.  I've finally given up on the American medium tank tree and switched to the heavies now that the M103 is out.


I've been mainly playing Final Fantasy VI


*Pokes head into Games General thread, looks around nervously*

*Cautiously steps in*

Hey, uh, guys, I know I hardly ever drop by here, but lately I've been thinking of checking out the Touhou games and am wondering which would be a good one to start out with. Bearing in mind that I'm a complete n00b and mostly want to check it out so I can be familiar with the source material of a fandom I like.

Thanks for any suggestions!


Well, I have the 7th game (Perfect Cherry Blossom), although I've yet to actually play it ^_^;;

I think I'll have to do that soon, but if you want to play it and can't find a site to download the games from, I can send that one your way :3


Birth of America reinstalled?  There go five hours and conversation with like half a dozen people....


Quote from: stewartsage on April 06, 2012, 07:54:55 PM
Birth of America reinstalled?  There go five hours and conversation with like half a dozen people....

I noticed. :  |


So, following in the footsteps of me talking about the PC version of Final Fantasy VII, I've recently stumbled onto another PC port of one of my favorite PlayStation games: Mega Man Legends

From a graphical standpoint (Again, comparing an original model PlayStation running the original version of the game to 2k-tan the Desktop running the port), while it's less blocky and pixel-y, it somehow looks worse than the original version; the characters feeling like cardboard cut-outs now. Granted, the original wasn't that great graphically, either, but it seems more passable on the PS1 in '98 than on the PC in '01.

Aside from that, it's a very nice port; it's so accurate, that Data (The happy, dancing robot monkey that serves as a save point) even tells you that "You need a memory card" to save (They forgot to edit that portion of dialog from the PlayStation version xD). All in all, I'd suggest grabbing yourself a nice controller for your PC, preferably styled like a PlayStation controller (As the Xbox 360 controller is awkward for this game), and enjoy :3