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Food, Food, Food...

Started by Raffaele the Amigan, September 12, 2010, 06:06:13 AM

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I'm about to start working on supper, which will likely be some chicken strips with cheese sticks and stuffed cheddar jalapenos on the side. Sure, I may have had chicken last night, but dammit; I like chickens


chicken is goooood. -w- it's one of the meats you can bite into, and easily pull off chunks (without it falling apart).

plus, it's so versatile. it's like tofu, only, y'know, tastier. :\
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Scratch it being strips; it as actually chicken patties, so I was able to make a sandwich out of it with buffalo sauce on one side and ranch on the other. The ranch helps to cool down the buffalo sauce and makes for an awesome combination


sounds cool. -w-

gonna have a banana split ice cream sandwich later. <33
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You see, buffalo sauce and ranch dressing combined is a combination that's so hot it's cool, but so cool it's Pop Tarts
*Hopes you've seen the newest Nostalgia Critic video, so that will make some sense*


haven't, but i will eventually. :3

just ate a banana split ice cream sandwich. <3 ended up refilling both my water bottles while i was at it (think i might be dehydrated).
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I had some steak for supper. The steak was overdone and not that great; it's bad when the side dish (Macaroni and cheese with cubes of Spam blended in) outdid the main dish


that sounds so........ughhhhhhh

had dinner at a local favourite chinese place with parents and grandparents. it was really very nice. ^^ and we have lots of leftovers. xD

currently: coca-cola, and have candy and strawberry pocky on standby
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Well, my dad was cooking; what do you expect?

Although, Spam isn't too bad from time to time; it beats cow tongue, which my grandma made a stew out of a few years back and didn't tell us until after we ate. I felt sick the rest of the day when she finally said what that mystery meat was...


><; remind me not to eat at your house.
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That's why I'm cautious when my dad gets to experimenting, or when I'm over at grandma's house and she gets to experimenting. There are some things I've seen on the table that make even fish custard sound edible...

Thankfully, I learned to cook from my mom; who is a great chef



and i say i wouldn't eat there because i'm afraid i'd get sick. ;^;

this might be more for the recipe thread, but this year, i'd like to plan my lunches, for 2 reasons:
1. to make sure i always have an affordable and nutritious lunch, and
2. because it'll give me for of a use for sunbird. :3
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As long as my dad doesn't get to experimenting and sticks with what he knows how to do (Grilling hot dots and burgers), you'd be fine

Anyway, I had a glass of orange juice with a honey bun for breakfast.

EDIT: As for lunch, I had a magical thing I like to call Chop Suey Leftovers (Which consisted of some leftover macaroni (Not the one with the Spam in it from last night, thankfully) with a leftover chicken patty cubed up and mixed in with just a little BBQ sauce). It was better than what I had last night, that's for sure.



currently, chinese leftovers and a coke:
golden fingers
chicken teriyaki
shredded sparerib
white rice
(& the coca-cola)

later: ice cream! ^^ (or yogurt.)
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Munching on some Tootsie Dots. Those things are to me as jelly babies are to the Doctor